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We are passionate about raising our puppies to prepare them well for their new homes and all the experiences they might encounter in their lives with you.  It is surely a labor of love, and we devote ourselves to their care and development. You can be assured that your pup will have the highest level of care and benefit from a state-of-the-art development program.

Some of the highlights include:

We ensure optimal nutrition for the mother of the litter so she can provide the best nutrition for her puppies.

We provide a clean, comfortable, and supportive environment for the mother and litter in the early pre-weaning phase (from birth to 3-4 weeks).

At around 4 weeks of age, the puppies are getting much more active and are starting to explore their environment actively, so we expand their area to include play, potty, and eating areas. Weaning begins around this age and the puppies are started on premium solid food.

We raise the pups from the start in our home, where they hear different human voices and other common household sounds, such as vacuum cleaners, kitchen appliances, things dropping, television, etc.  In addition, they get plenty of time outdoors to play and explore on grass, gravel, concrete and other surfaces.

After the pups have had their de-wormings and first vaccinations, at 6 weeks of age, we introduce them to children and new people, taking proper safety precautions such as having visitors remove outdoor shoes and wash their hands before handling the puppies.

Once their eyes and ears are open, we vary the surfaces for the puppies to walk on. We provide many different puppy-safe toys to play with and to chew, as well as objects to navigate.

Throughout their early weeks, we handle each pup physically several times a day. When old enough, the handling sessions will include light grooming, nail trims, handling ears and tails.

We introduce pups to crates, car rides and the world outside of the house and play yard starting at age 6 weeks. Puppies receive their wellness check by a licensed veterinarian and their first vaccinations. At this age, we also start working with each pup on very simple behaviors (such as sitting), to help us to understand more abut the personality and trainability of each puppy. 

Our main goal in our puppy care and development program overall is to prepare the pups in the best way possible for their new lives as happy companions in your home. We are always happy to answer any questions about the care we provide for the puppies.

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